Thursday, April 17, 2014

SAP Software Download Manager Configuration

SAP Software Download Manager Configuration

I recently started learning SAP and want to share my leanings with posting these blogs. I started my SAP journey in SAP Basis activities and want to learn and get expertise in SAP HANA. To start with I would like to start from the very initial stage of SAP leanings.

This first blogs talks about SAP Software Download Manager, its installation and configuration. Installation and configuration of SAP Download Manager is very common and lots of documents are already available on SDN, still I am writing this to help people like me who started learning SAP on their own and want to learn and explore the SAP world. 

Lets get started with step by step procedure for SAP software download manager.

What is SAP Download Manager:
SAP Download Manager is standalone JAVA program and helps user to download SAP software.

SAP Download Manager is a software used for downloading all software from for a single PC. We can install SAP Download Manager on any PC and download software from your Download Basket. All software added to your Download Basket are shows in SAP Download Manager. You can download all added software at a time or you can schedule download.

JAVA 1.6.0
For installing SAP Download Manager you should have a latest JAVA version installed on your PC (java 1.5.0 or later).

Downloading and Installing SAP Download Manager:
Go to

Go to SAP Support Portal
Note: you need SAP service market place ID to login (S-ID).

Go to Software Downloads

Go to Search for Software Downloads

Then Search for software in search term
For Ex. SAP Download Manager 
You got software list

Then download required Software from List, and click on Installation

You got software list for different platform

Download required one (Here we are doing installation on windows platform). Save downloaded file

Installing SAP Download Manager:
Now Extract downloaded file and run executable file

For windows Insall.exe present in
After clicking on Install.exe, installation will start

Click on Next, and choose Install Folder

Click on Next, Choose Shortcut Folder

Click next, Choose Java Virtual Machine

Click next, you got Pre-Installation Summary

Click Install, your Installation will start

Finally click on Done

When Installation completes go to Start menu and click on SAP Download Manager, it open a window

Click on next, Enter Connection Information

For connecting to SAP Service Marketplace,

Add Address

Enter your User name (SID provided for SAP Service Marketplace) and Password for your Marketplace.

P.S: While accessing from corporate network, proxy settings needs to be added. Check the checkbox "Use a proxy server to connect to the internet"
Provide the proxy server URL, User ID and proxy PWD.

Click on Next, Enter the location of your local download store and click on Finish.

It starts SAP Download Manager

Downloading SAP HANA Studio Using SAP Download Manager:

Now again go to

Go to SAP Support Portal

Go to Software Downloads

Go to Search for Software Downloads

Search for SAP HANA Studio in Search term

Click on SAP HANA STUDIO latest version, it opens new window

Click on given link

It shows list of relies versions, click on latest version (Required)

Select a check box from list which you want to download
And click on Add to Download Basket

Click on Download Basket

Now go to SAP Download Manager

Click on Refresh button

It shows list of software’s added to basket

Select software and click on Download Selected Item
(For all software click on Download all software)

It starts downloading

Go to specified location (Folder) where you save the downloaded file

Check that file is downloaded completely or not.

Thank You.