Sunday, August 6, 2017

SAP HANA Studio 7.4 Installation and Configuration

SAP HANA Studio 7.4 Installation and Configuration

Hello Friends, Yesterday I write about how to Download and Install SAP Download Manager, hop it helps you.

Today I share how to Download, Install and Configure SAP HANA Studio 7.4.

About SAP HANA Studio 7.4:
SAP HANA Studio 

JAVA 1.6.0

For installing SAP HANA Studio 7.4 you should have a latest JAVA version installed on your PC (java 1.5.0 or later).

Installing and Configuring SAP HANA Studio :

Download SAPCAR from using SAP Download Manager

Download SAP HANA Studio from using SAP Download Manager

Save all files in one folder

Now, for installation of SAP HANA Studio 7.4 go to command prompt

Go to specified Directory (Drive) and folder where files are saved

For Ex. C:\Users\Ganesh>cd SAP Downloads

                C:\Users\Ganesh\SAP Downloads>

Check for all Directories using dir command

C:\Users\Ganesh\SAP Downloads>dir

It shows all contents from present folder

Now by using –xvf command extract SAP HANA Studio 7.4

First copy-paste SAPCAR_5-20002092.exe (SAPCAR executable file) by mark and paste, and then type –xvf command and then copy-paste SAP HANA Studio file (IMC_STUDIO100_74_0-20007647.SAR)

Note: You can copy-paste by right click and Mark, then select a file and paste it, or you can type whole files name.

Copy-paste files names

Press Enter key to extract the files

It extracts all files.

Now Exit from command prompt and go to directory (folder) where all files are saved

For ex. C:\Users\Ganesh\SAP Downloads

Go to extracted folder and run executable file

Click on hdbsetup.exe

It starts Installation of SAP HANA Studio

Installation of SAP HANA Studio

Click on next, It checks for JAVA version

If your version is not match to requirement, it show error

First Install required JAVA version, and run setup again.

After installing JAVA

Click on next

Click on Install

Installing SAP HANA Studio Software

Installation completed

Click on Finish

You can check log file

Go to start menu and click on SAP HANA->SAP HANA Studio, it opens SAP HANA Studio window.

Welcome window of SAP HANA Studio 7.4

SAP HANA Studio 7.4 Installation successfully completed.

Thank You.

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